My Love Of The Law

  • 2 Proofs For Home Modification Compensation After An Accident

    4 May 2023

    An accident can make living and enjoying life in your home almost impossible. You might have to modify your home, especially for permanent injuries, to accommodate your disability. In such a case, the person responsible for your accident should pay for the modifications. Here are a couple of things to prove to get the compensation.  1. Modification Necessity First, you must prove that the modifications are necessary to continue living your life as you did before the accident.

  • Bad Wrecks And PTSD: What Victims Should Know

    16 March 2023

    When a serious accident occurs, victims can suffer from far more than physical injuries. Post-traumatic stress syndrome, better known as PTSD, can strike almost any auto accident victim. However, gaining personal injury compensation may require other elements to be present. Read on and find out more. Mental Issues and Accidents  While you can seek payment for physical injuries, lost wages, your wrecked vehicle, and more, being paid for only mental health issues is not possible after a car wreck.

  • How Will Your Lawyer Build A Strong Case Against The Defendant In Your Vehicle Accident Case? Find Out

    12 December 2022

    Unfortunately, victims of vehicular crashes rarely get their rightful compensation. This is because the culprits and their insurers use unlawful strategies to deny liability in such cases. When that happens, you have to pay for some of the crash-related expenses from your pocket. But you shouldn't carry the burden if a negligent driver caused the damages. If the defendant hesitates to offer you the payment you deserve, hire a lawyer to fight on your behalf.

  • 5 Reasons To Contact A Car Accident Attorney After Crashing Into Road Construction Machinery

    12 December 2022

    Depending on the circumstances, crashing into road construction machinery can be a very serious situation. In addition to dealing with insurance companies and managing vehicle repairs, it is important to understand that you may need to contact a car accident attorney for help. Here are reasons why you might need a car accident attorney after being in a crash involving road construction machinery: 1. Complex Insurance Issues When you are involved in a car accident caused by road construction machinery, there could be other parties involved who have their own insurance policies that need to be addressed.

  • 4 Small Errors A Workers Compensation Lawyer Will Ensure You Don't Make When Filing A Claim For Benefits

    20 October 2022

    You may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits if you get injured at work. These benefits will cover your medical expenses and lost wages while you're unable to work. However, filing a claim for workers' compensation benefits can be complicated. There are many rules and regulations that must be followed to ensure that your claim is successful. A workers' compensation lawyer can guide you through the claims process and ensure that you don't make any mistakes that could jeopardize your claim.

  • 3 Critical Components a Truck Accident Attorney Will Handle for You During the Claims Process

    22 August 2022

    If you or a loved one has recently been in a collision with a big rig, you're probably traumatized and left with significant injuries and property damage. Soon, you may also have to grapple with medical costs and other financial burdens. You're also likely to miss going to work, especially if you're undergoing treatment. To recover a settlement for your losses, you might consider suing the driver who caused your misfortunes.

  • Why Engage A Social Security Disability Lawyer

    15 June 2022

    Most people applying for social security disability insurance overlook legal representation under the assumption that their excellent employment record, diligent social security payment, and the medical evidence of their disability will prove their case. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that for you to be awarded insurance, your disability has to be medically and legally corroborated. And since the legal system can be so complicated, it's only right to have a lawyer on your team.