My Love Of The Law

  • Truck Driver Regulation Violations That Can Help You Win Your Accident Case

    11 February 2016

    Truck drivers are under many state and federal regulations that control how a truck driver can operate his or her vehicle. If you have evidence that the truck driver was in violation of a regulation, you can increase the chances that you will not be found at fault after a truck accident. Hours Of Service Violations The most common type of violation used to demonstrate that the truck driver was at fault is the hours of service violation.

  • Nebraska And Personal Injury Lawsuits

    28 January 2016

    A personal injury lawsuit might be your best option if you are looking for compensation. You probably have some pretty serious auto repair bills or medical bills (depending on the nature of your injury), and an insurance claim might just not be enough. To help you figure out whether a personal injury lawsuit is right for you and to help you plan your lawsuit, here are some very specific laws that you will need to handle when filing in Nebraska:

  • Personal Injury Settlements Are Not Your Personal Piggy Bank

    15 January 2016

    When you hear stories about someone spilling coffee on themselves and receiving millions of dollars in damages, or stories about a robber breaking into a home and suing the homeowners for tripping over a toy left on the stairs, you might get the impression that you can file an injury claim for anything and have good hope of making money off your suit no matter how frivolous it is. On the other other hand, to find success in filing a claim, you need to have realistic expectations for your case.

  • Who Is Responsible For A Trucking Accident?

    3 January 2016

    When you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck, you have to tackle the question of who is liable for your accident. The answer might not be as easy to find as you think. If you have been involved in an accident, here is what you need to know.  Who Is Possibly Responsible? The most obvious answer to who is responsible for your accident is the truck driver. However, even though he or she was behind the wheel when the accident occurred, other parties might be liable.

  • New Year's Drama To Watch Out For: Keeping Yourself Out Of Legal Trouble

    18 December 2015

    When you decide to go out for New Year's Eve, you are likely thinking of nothing more than getting out on the town, enjoying the party atmosphere, and having a general good time. However, with New Year's Eve comes a great deal of drinking and debauchery which can lead to a larger amount of drama and even legal trouble and criminal charges. In order to take the best care of yourself this New Year's Eve, get to know some of the legal trouble that can commonly occur on such a night.

  • 4 Types of Nursing Home Abuse Warning Signs

    10 December 2015

    If you have a loved one living in a nursing facility, you will want to monitor this individual regularly. Studies indicate that elderly people who suffer from dementia have a higher potential of being abused, and approximately 5.1 million Americans over the age of 65 have been diagnosed with dementia. It's ideal to know the specific warning signs that can help you detect potential abuse in its earliest stages. Type #1: Neglect

  • Spousal Privilege: Understand How It Really Works

    24 November 2015

    If you've been accused of a crime and your spouse is being asked to testify against you, is there really any reason to worry? Doesn't "spousal privilege" apply, making it impossible for one spouse to testify against another?  Not exactly. If you rely on this belief, you could face an unpleasant surprise down the road. Here is what you need to know about how spousal privilege actually works (and when it doesn't):