My Love Of The Law

What To Expect When Filing For Social Security Disability Benefits

by Alan Medina

While you might associate social security with retirement, this program is with you throughout your life. If you are disabled, you may be eligible for a particular part of social security known as "Social Security Disability." However, there are several things you'll need to know before you apply for it.

FICA Taxes

By paying your FICA taxes, you will become eligible for social security credits. These will allow you to receive disability benefits depending on how old you are when you apply for disability. The younger you are, the fewer credits you may be qualified for. Fortunately, you are able to set up an account and use it to estimate how many benefits you will be qualified for.

SSI Benefits

If you do not qualify for SSDI, you may want to apply for SSI. This program provides benefits to disabled children and adults. It also provides benefits to the aged also when they have limited financial resources. You should speak with an attorney to determine where you should apply.

Whether You Need an Attorney

One of the most important questions to ask is whether you should hire a Social Security Disability attorney. You'll usually want to hire this type of attorney because your odds of being approved for SSDI will be much higher. Your attorney will be able to provide you with information on the type of documents you must provide to the SSA to make sure that you win your case.

Your attorney will know how to present your information in a manner that is the most favorable. For example, your attorney will be able to argue that your condition meets one of the eligible impairments. In some cases, your condition might not clearly meet one of the conditions until you have explained how your symptoms match one of the eligible conditions.

The Cost of an Attorney

When you hire an attorney, the consultation is usually free. You will only compensate the attorney if you win your case and the attorney will receive a percentage of your benefits. However, what you get in return is expertise and someone who will put in the hard work while you're focused on your recovery. If you are not able to attend your disability hearing, your attorney will attend the hearing on your behalf. 

It may take a while for your case to be resolved. You might need to wait for months or even years, but you are entitled to your benefits. For more information about hiring a Social Security Disability attorney, contact a local disability law firm.
